The Technology
Creating the Compact
Giving shape to the Compact required a lot of accurate and creative engineering. The generation and management of ozone and other oxidizing gases are a coherent part of the design at INFUSER. Producing powerful oxidants while using less space and energy, is central to any INFUSER solution and design. In many cases, the objective is to produce a steady and controlled amount of ozone, while still keeping the generator lightweight and mobile. This is achieved by applying powerful generator technologies in combination with tailored steering systems.
For technical specification click here
Ozone naturally occurs in our environment and in the air, typically created in the troposphere, where oxygen (O2) and pollutants (Nox) in the air reacts with sunlight to form the ozone gas (O3). The Compact are imitating this process to create a controlled amount of Ozone in the duct. Ozone is a powerful oxidant and after reacting with the pollutants such as grease, oils and scent particles that are extracted through the ventilation hood, the ozone breaks down these unwanted molecules while leaving no harmful chemicals or compounds behind.
The continuous diffusion of ozone keeps the duct free from grease, odours and other organic compounds.
As a powerful oxidant, ozone is also able to kill bacteria and other microorganisms, and thereby prevent the build-up of such pathogens.